Before you can be connected to chat with candidates/attendees in a virtual event, you must log in to your live event and set your chat availability for the event and within your assigned booth(s). If you need to step away during the live event, you can change your chat availability at any time.
If you have not already completed your event Representative registration and Rep Profile, please do so at least 24 hours prior to your event. Even if you have worked a Radancy booth in the past, you must confirm your registration for any new event. |
In This Article
Log In to Your Event
Radancy automatically sends you a reminder email 24 hours before the live event containing a link to the event's Login page. You can also access the event through the Hiring Events Admin. Be sure to use a supported browser: Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or MS Edge.
If you cannot find your reminder email, check your spam folder and add to your email account's approved senders list. If your email does not appear in the spam folder, please reach out to Radancy Support to resend the email via help request. |
When the event begins, log in with your email address and Radancy account password. The Event Lobby displays Your Booths by default, allowing you to quickly access your assigned booth(s).
Your profile picture, name, and assigned role(s) appear in the event control panel. Click Rep Profile to update your Public Profile information, including your profile picture.
Set Your Event Chat Availability
You must change your Chat Availability in the live event to start or stop accepting booth chats.
Check that Chat Availability is toggled on in the event control panel. This sets your chat availability across the live event.
If you want to step away from the event or focus only on your Scheduled Chats, toggle off Chat Availability in the event control panel. This prevents you from being entered into new booth chats without changing your chat availability for each booth individually. Toggle Chat Availability on to resume accepting new booth chats.
Chat Availability does not apply to Scheduled Chats. You are always entered into Scheduled Chats if you are in the live event during the Scheduled Chat time slot. |
Set Your Booth Chat Availability
Single booth
To accept chats in a single booth you must also set your chat availability for that booth.
Enter the desired booth from the Event Lobby, then click the green Chat button.
If Rep Handoff is enabled for your event, you are prompted to select whether to accept Only handed off chats or All chats. If you set yourself to Only handed off chats, you do not get assigned to chats in the booth queue. Read more about handed off chats.
Your status then changes to Waiting to chat.
You'll be placed in a chat as soon as you are matched with an attendee. Read more about chat connections.
You can Cancel your chat availability in the booth at any time. If you would like to pause accepting new booth chats but not exit the queue, toggle off Chat Availability in the event control panel.
Multiple booths
If you want to set your booth chat availability for multiple booths at once, click Search Booths in the event control panel. Then, toggle on each booth you want to chat in. Your assigned booths are labeled Your Booth.
You'll be placed in a chat as soon as you are matched with an attendee. Read more about chat connections.
Toggling on your booth chat availability through Search Booths sets your booth chat availability to All chats in each booth. If you only want to accept chats through Rep Handoff, you must follow the steps for a single booth above and select Only handed off chats when prompted. |
Toggle off the booths in Search Booths to exit multiple booth queues at once. If you would like to pause accepting chats in all booths without exiting the chat queues, toggle off Chat Availability in the event control panel.