Rep Handoff, if enabled for your Hiring Event, lets you pass a candidate/attendee to other Representatives within your assigned chat booth or other booths within the event. If you are conducting a Scheduled Chat, you can hand off candidates after your chat finishes. This allows top candidates to move seamlessly through the interview process and ensures they speak with the right people.
You can also manage your own chat settings and choose to only accept handed off chats without being connected to standard booth chats. This is particularly helpful for hiring managers who would only like to accept chats with candidates who have been pre-screened by other Representatives. If you are also conducting standard booth chats, handed-off candidates are prioritized over other candidates waiting to chat in the booth's queue.
In This Article
Manage Your Chat Preferences
If you are not being connected to chats in your event, check your chat preferences to ensure you are accepting All chats. |
Once you enter your booth from the Event Lobby and click the green Chat button, you are prompted to select the type of chats you wish to have.
- Only handed off chats — Make yourself available to chat only with candidates who have been screened and handed off to you by other Representatives.
- All chats — You are available for both handed-off chats and standard booth chats.
By default, your chat preference is set to All chats unless you change this within an event. Your chat preference in any future event defaults to your most recent selection.
You are only presented with the option to choose the type of chats you wish to have if you enter your booth from the Event Lobby. If you access your booth by using Search Booths you are marked as available for All chats. |
Then, click Chat to begin receiving chats.
Hand Off a Candidate
You can hand off a candidate after you've finished either a standard booth chat or a scheduled chat. Be sure to let the candidate know that you are going to hand them off to another Representative before the chat ends and what booth that chat will take place in.
On the Chat Ratings page, select Handoff [candidate name] to another Rep?
Depending on your event's settings, you may be permitted to hand off the candidate to Representatives only within your assigned chat booth, or to Representatives in other booths as well.
If prompted, first select a Booth to narrow your Representative list.
You can choose one or more Representatives from the following groups:
- Reps currently in line for chats — All Representatives in line for chats in this booth. Representatives in this group, however, may take a break from receiving chats at any time by toggling their Chat Availability to Away.
- Reps not currently in line for chats — All Representatives that are logged in to the event and are assigned to this booth, but are not currently accepting chats in this booth. If a Representative in this group is handed a chat, the candidate is not connected with them unless the Representative clicks the green Chat button and toggles their Chat Availability on.
- Reps Offline — All Representatives who are assigned to this booth but are not currently logged in to the event.
After selecting the Representatives you would like to pass the candidate to, you may leave a Handoff note that is only shown to those selected Representatives.
Click Continue to preview and confirm your selections and notes. Then, click Finished to initiate the handoff.
The candidate receives an invitation to a handed off chat that they can accept or decline.
Chat With a Handed Off Candidate
In order to chat with a handed off candidate, you must toggle on your Chat Availability and click the green Chat button in the booth where the handoff was sent. You can accept a handoff whether your chat preference is set to All chats or Only handed off chats.
The handed off candidate, if they accept the invitation to chat with you, is placed in your queue and prioritized above any standard booth chats.
If the candidate is not already engaged in their maximum number of simultaneous chats, you are automatically connected with them as soon as you are available.
Your Chats page includes a Rep Handoff Info section that includes the following information:
- The Representative that handed off the candidate.
- The Representative's assigned booth.
- The date and time of the handoff.
- Any Notes the Representative wrote when they created the handoff.