Reminder Emails Overview

Radancy helps increase your event attendance through a series of automated event reminder emails sent to Prospective Attendees/Participants, Booth Owners, and Representatives.

All Radancy notifications and reminder emails originate from If you are not receiving expected email notifications, please do a full inbox search and check your spam folder. For further assistance, please submit a help request.

In This Article


Prospective Attendee/Participant Reminders

Initial Email Verification Notification 

Immediately after signing up for an event, the prospective attendee receives an email to verify their email account. More information can be found here.

exclamation-circle-45px.png If the prospective attendee misses the initial verification email, they have the option to log back into the event and request another one. Radancy does not send the below reminders until they complete the verification.


Event Reminder Emails

Prospective attendees receive a series of automated event reminder emails sent:

  • Event Reminder 1: One week before an event
  • Event Reminder 2: 24 hours prior to an event
  • Event Reminder 3: Two hours prior to an event
  • Event Reminder 4: Mid-event if they have not yet attended the event

Disable Event Reminders for Prospective Attendees/Participants


If you would like to send your own event reminder emails, you can opt to turn off the emails in your event settings as follows:

  1. From your Account Home, and select the event you'd like to edit.
  2. Click Settings in the sidebar, then Notifications.
  3. Under Participants, uncheck Pre-Event Reminders and Event Has Started Reminder. From here you can also preview reminder emails, and send a test reminder email to your own email address.
exclamation-circle-45px.png Unchecking Pre-Event Reminders does not stop the delivery of Scheduled Chat-related emails to Representatives.

Additional Notifications & Reminders

  • SMS Reminder: This reminder is optional for a prospective attendee on the Registration Form, if it has been enabled, and is sent 30 minutes prior to event start time. Prospective attendees must input their phone number and accept data terms and conditions. More information can be found here.

  • Event Date/Time Notification: This notice is sent immediately after changing any event settings which impact attendance such as event time, duration, and/or date. More information can be found here.

Scheduled Chat Reminders

  • Invited event registrants or signups receive an initial email invitation from the Representative, sent from This message is sent from the Representative's name, and offers an open time slot for selection during the event based on the Representative's availability. Learn more about the candidate Scheduled Chat experience.

  • Candidates with pending chat invitations receive up to three reminders, sent every 12 hours, until an hour before the event begins.

Representative Reminders

Event Reminders

  • Initial Event Invitation EmailImmediately after being assigned to the booth as a Representative, they receive a notification to either create a password or to login, register through the Hiring Events Admin, and/or to complete their Rep Profile.

  • Next Day Reminder: An additional reminder is sent 24 hours before the event to let them know they are scheduled to attend the event the next day.

  • SMS Reminder: This reminder is optional for Representatives, and is sent 30 minutes prior to event start time. Representatives must input their phone number and accept data terms and conditions.

  • Log In ReminderIf a Representative hasn't logged in once the event has started, an email reminder is sent 30 minutes after the event start time to make sure they don’t miss event chats.

Scheduled Chat Reminders

  • Initial Email: Representatives receive an initial email inviting them to schedule a chat with candidates if the Booth Owner or Administrator has enabled it for that specific Representative. This email also includes a information on using Scheduled Chat.

  • Confirmation Email: Representatives receive an email confirmation once a candidate selects a time to connect during the event, if an invitation was sent to a candidate by the Booth Owner, Administrator, or Representative.


Booth Owner Reminders

  • Initial Invitation: Booth Owners Immediately receive an email with a link to login and create a password after assignment to a booth.

  • Event Reminder Email 1: Booth Owners receive an email notification two weeks ahead of the event date to remind them to start building their booth and to add content.
  • Event Reminder Email 2: An additional reminder is sent five days before the event.

  • Event Reminder Email 3: If the Booth Owner is also assigned as a Representative in their booth, they receive an additional reminder 24 hours before the start of the event.
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