Can I enable custom terms & conditions?

By default, any user chatting with your organization through Radancy accepts the terms and conditions stated in Radancy's privacy policy. In addition to using the Radancy terms and conditions, you also have the option to present your own custom terms and conditions to users before they submit their information. Please see your account manager if you would like to enable custom terms and conditions for your account.

Once custom terms and conditions are enabled for your account, any new users created in your Radancy account would need to accept those terms and conditions (in addition to Radancy's terms and conditions) before submitting their information.

Users may review Radancy's terms and conditions by clicking the link at the bottom of your event landing pages:



Any users signing up for an event through your event landing pages will be presented with your custom terms and conditions as a pop-up window after attempting to submit their name and email address:


  • If candidates select "Yes, I accept", their name and email will be collected and processed within Radancy.
  • If candidates select "No, I decline", no data, including name or email will be processed within Radancy.


If you are using QuickChat, your custom terms and conditions will also be presented to any QuickChat users before they submit their name and email address.


Once a user selects "Yes, I accept" the bot will move forward to collect their name and email. 

If you are interested in adding custom terms and conditions to your account, please contact your Radancy account manager to help you get this set up.

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