After a chat ends, you may receive Final Thoughts. This allows participants to exchange one last message to tie up any loose ends and receive additional information from their new connection.
Note: Sending a Final Thought is not available for representatives. Instead, you should use followup actions to continue the conversation with a participant.
Look for Final Thought Notifications
Final Thoughts will appear as notifications at the bottom of your screen. Click View Transcript on the notification to review your chat transcript.
All of your final thoughts are available in your History for full review. The count indicates how many unread messages you have.
On the History screen, you will see the full list of your chats, and if you have any unread final thoughts. Click on an unread message to view it.
The transcript of your chat will automatically display, with the "final thought" at the bottom. Any final thoughts that you sent will also be displayed as a part of the transcript.