Cancel, Reschedule & Withdraw Scheduled Chat or Meeting Invitations


As a Representative, you may cancel pending or cofirmed Scheduled Chat or Meeting invitations or reschedule confirmed Scheduled Chats or Meetings. If needed, you may also withdraw pending invitations.

In This Article


Access Your Schedule

To manage Scheduled Chat or Meeting invitations, from Manage Schedule in your event sidebar or MANAGE on the Your Schedule Lobby card, and click the Registrants or Signups tab.

For Scheduled Meetings in an in-person event, you may also access this information from the Attendee Lookup page.

Or, you can reach your schedule by selecting Invite to Schedule a Chat on an individual candidate record on the Candidates page in the Candidate Engagement Hub


Cancel or Reschedule Your Scheduled Chats or Meetings

Cancel a Pending Scheduled Chat or Meeting

If the candidate has not yet accepted your invitation, it is pending. To cancel the invitation, under Scheduled Chat Status, select Cancel Invitation. You will be given the opportunity to add a personal note to the cancellation email sent to the candidate.




Cancel or Reschedule a Confirmed Scheduled Chat or Meeting

If you’d like to reschedule your confirmed chat or meeting, select Yes to let the candidate select a different time, add a personal note if you like, then click Cancel Chat. An email is sent informing them the original appointment was canceled, but provides a reschedule link to pick a different time slot.

If you want to cancel a confirmed Scheduled Chat or Meeting, select No and add a note. The candidate receives a cancellation email, but they are still encouraged to attend the event.


exclamation-circle-45px.png Whenever a candidate signs into an event online, they are notified of their pending Scheduled Chat or Meeting invitations. The original time slot of their confirmed appointment is still available unless it has been selected by another candidate, or, you have toggled the time slot in your schedule as unavailable.


Withdraw a Pending Scheduled Chat or Meeting Invitation

If you have invited a candidate to schedule a chat or meeting you may withdraw the invitation if needed.

  1. In the candidate's Scheduled Chat Status box, click Withdraw Invitation.

  2. You may include a note for the candidate if you wish. Click Withdraw Invitation to confirm the withdrawal and send an email notification to the candidate.




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