Booth Engagement Report Overview

Booth Engagement Reports are available for Radancy Administrators to download after an event ends. They capture participant behaviors and movement within booths, providing valuable insight for event hosts and exhibitors. Radancy Administrators can also grant Booth Owners access to their own Booth Engagement Report.

The Booth Engagement Report for Radancy Administrators includes information for all booths in an event, allowing you to see a full picture of how attendees engaged with booths across the event.

The Booth Engagement Report for Booth Owners only includes data for their specific booth in the event. They can use this report to gain insight into their booth engagement and optimize follow up with interested attendees.

Read about how to enable Booth Owner access to event reports

The Booth Engagement Report addresses several post-event questions, including:

  • Who entered the booth?
  • How and when did they first enter the booth?
  • Who was interested in chatting?
  • Did they get to chat?
  • Who was still waiting to chat when the event ended?
  • Who was most engaged in the booth, based on total chats and time spent chatting?
  • How long did they spend viewing a Webinars Video Broadcast?


Time spent chatting is represented as Hour:Minute, for example, 1:20 would be 1 hour and 20 minutes. 


Booth Engagement Reports do not include data from Networking Booths or Scheduled Chats.

exclamation-circle-25px.png If a participant enters a booth using Search Booths instead of the Event Lobby, the Entered Booth timestamp value will be empty.
exclamation-circle-25px.png Booth Engagement Reports may take up to an hour to generate after an event ends.
exclamation-circle-25px.png Fields not relevant to a booth's booth type are marked N/A in the report. 




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