Rep Handoff Across Booths
The Rep Handoff feature has been enhanced to allow handoffs to any booth within an event. This is supported through an additional event setting, giving you the flexibility to decide what kind of handoffs are appropriate for your event programming and workflows.
New Reporting on Rep Handoff Chats
We’ve also updated the Rep Ratings report to include information about which chats were initiated by a handoff, by whom and from which booth, as well as capturing the optional Handoff Note. This provides you greater visibility into the connections between attendees and Representatives in your next Hiring Event!
Scheduled Chat Filtering
Scheduled Chat users can now filter registrants based on multiple answers to a single select list question.
Fixed a bug where Group Video hosts saw a “Host” badge in participant video streams when they first join the Group Video session.
Fixed a bug where the event landing page reflects an incorrect event end time when the event spans two different dates.
Fixed a bug where registration answers to checkbox-style questions were not showing up when viewing registrant info in the Hiring Events Admin. This occurred when more than one option was selected by the registrant or when special characters were used in the checkbox question.