July 8th, 2023 Release Notes


Candidate Engagement Hub (CEH) Link Moves to Top Toolbar

A new Hiring Events Admin top toolbar link, Engagement Hub, offers more direct access for users to the Candidate Engagement Hub (CEH). Previously, the CEH link was located in a menu under the user's name.

New Event Candidates Tab in CEH

The new Event Candidates tab in CEH displays a list of all candidates who have registered for, signed up for, or attended any event that the user viewing the list is assigned to. This is particularly useful for those who host Expo-type events that have Representatives and Booth Owners from multiple organizations.

New 'Users' Section in Hiring Events Admin Event Navigation & New Manage Access Page

The new Users section in the Event Hiring Events Admin sidebar includes a new page, Manage Access, as well as the User List page. 

Within the User List page, you can now enable and disable access to CEH and/or the All candidates tab for individual users. Currently, these users only include Account Admins and User Seat holders.

The Manage Access page allows Account Admins to define CEH tab access permissions per event user role - Representatives, Booth Owners, Live Video Broadcast or Group Video Hosts, and Live Video Broadcast Presenters.


Simplified Check-In Flow for In-Person Event (IPE) Walk-Ins 

To simplify the process of checking in walk-in candidates, the in-person event Attendee Signup workflow has been updated with a simple Check-In? checkbox for Representatives to select on the registration form view.

Search Using Type Ahead in IPE Attendee Lookup

Attendee Lookup now offers type ahead for easier searching of candidates at in-person events. After typing in just two characters, the search will begin returning matches on First Name, Last Name, and Email Address. 

IPE Attendee Lookup Check-In Status & Timestamp

Checked-in event attendee Attendee Lookup cards now display 'Checked In' and a timestamp.

Allow Reps to Signup & Register Candidates Default Setting in IPE

When an in-person event is created, the Allow Reps to Signup and Register Candidates setting will now be enabled by default. Account Admins may disable this setting if they wish.

Event Duration Increase

In-Person and virtual events may now have a duration of up to 8 hours.



  • Scheduled Chat reminder emails sent to Candidates did not include the Company Name in Expo events. Now the Company Name is used instead of using the event host's Account Name in these email notifications.
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