Schedule Meetings with Candidates at In-Person Events (Representatives)


Scheduled Meetings are facilitated one-on-one connections between specific Representatives and Candidates/Attendees at preset time slots during an event.

For the most qualified event candidates, Representatives may want to ensure they have time to meet with them. Scheduled Meetings let these candidates forego any lines and guarantee an appointment with you.

exclamation-circle-45px.png Candidates may receive invitations from multiple members of your team.
However, candidates can only enter into one Scheduled Meeting with each Representative, and each Representative may only send one Scheduled Meeting invitation to a candidate.

In This Article


Manage Your Availability/Schedule

Before sending out invitations, make sure to block off times that you will not be available during the live event by clicking Manage Schedule in the event sidebar, or MANAGE on the Your Schedule event Lobby card.

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Use the toggles on the Schedule tab next to each time slot to set your availability. The length of time slots for scheduled meetings are pre-determined by event settings determined by your Radancy Administrator and cannot be changed by Representatives.

exclamation-circle-45px.png You may edit your availability at any time before or even during an event as long as an attendee has not yet claimed the affected time slots. 




Send Scheduled Meeting Invitations

You can send and modify scheduled meeting invitations through Manage Schedule, the Attendee Lookup page, or by using the Candidate Engagement Hub.

exclamation-circle-45px.png These invitations prompt candidates to select an individual time slot when you are available during the event. Candidates with pending meeting invitations receive up to three reminders, sent every 12 hours, until an hour before the event begins.


Use Attendee Lookup

chrome-capture-2024-1-8 (5).png

1. I
n an event that has Scheduled Meetings enabled, select Attendee Lookup in the side navigation. 

2. Filter registrants by answers to their registration form questions or sort them by Last Name or Check-In Time.

3. When you select a registrant, you can view their general profile information, including their profile picture and answers to their registration form questions. For those who signed up but did not complete event registration, this section displays “Not Answered.”



If a resume was uploaded, you may view it or download a copy if desired.


A Signup may be invited to a Scheduled Meeting, but you cannot view any profile information until they complete their registration.


4. Click Schedule a Chat

5. Modify your email to include the specific location within the event site you where you want to meet and any additional details you'd like to add. 

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6. Click Send. They will receive an email from Radancy that prompts them to select a time from your available time slots, and to review event information, a link for the online event companion site.

7. The Registrant or Signup's Scheduled Chat Status will then display as one of the following values:

  • Pending: The candidate has not yet selected a time slot.
  • Accepted: The candidate has selected a time slot.
  • Unable to RSVP: The candidate could not pick a time slot because the Representative had none available.
  • Declined: The candidate refused the invitation.
  • Cancelled: The candidate or Representative cancelled the chat.


chrome-capture-2024-1-8 (3).png



Use the Candidate Engagement Hub

You can use the Candidate Engagement Hub (or CEH) to review upcoming event signups and registrants and follow up with past candidates.

The CEH Candidates page lets you view candidates who have engaged with your organization. There, you can schedule chats or meetings for an upcoming event, ensuring you interact with the most promising candidates. After an event, you can follow up with your candidates through email, schedule a conversation, or forward their candidate information to another person in your organization.

Follow the instructions provided here to send scheduled meeting invitations through CEH.

Edit the Email Template

You can edit an Email Template under Manage Schedule to standardize scheduled meeting invitations and use Email Variables to personalize them. 



Cancel, Reschedule & Withdraw Invitations

As a Representative, you may cancel pending or confirmed Scheduled Meeting invitations or reschedule confirmed Scheduled Meetings. If needed, you may also withdraw pending invitations.

Please follow the instructions provided here.


Email Notifier Calendar Integration & In-App Notifications

Calendar File Integration

All email notifiers confirming accepted, rescheduled, or canceled scheduled meetings include calendar .ICS files.

An .ICS file is a calendar file saved in a universal calendar format used by many email and calendar programs, like Google Calendar or Microsoft Outlook. When Representatives send a meeting request, .ICS files allow them and attendees to import the meeting details into their calendars.


Currently, only Google Calendar is supported. For any other email clients, .ICS file attachments may be manually imported to an attendee's corresponding calendar to create an event. However, manually imported events are not managed automatically by their email Inbox.


Attendees and Representatives who need to reschedule or cancel a scheduled meeting must do so through the Radancy application. A note indicating this is included in email invitations along with the Hiring Event URL. 


In-App Notifications for Scheduled Meetings

When a scheduled meeting time arrives during an in-person event, the Representative receives an in-app notification in the companion online event site at the bottom of their screen and hears a chime.


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