Manage Chat Settings & Enable Multi-chat

As a Radancy Administrator, you have the ability to customize and edit certain event settings including Max Chat DurationScheduled ChatMulti-chat, and reconnections on the Event Chat Settings page.

exclamation-circle-45px.png Chat settings lock 15 minutes before the start of your event. Remember to make and save your changes before this time.


From your Event Home, click Settings, then click Chats to access the Event Chat Settings.




Max Chat Duration sets the maximum amount of time a candidate/attendee can chat with a Representative in a single chat session. Be sure to allow enough time for quality engagement, but not so much time that waiting candidates don't get an opportunity to chat.




If Scheduled Chat is enabled, you can edit the settings and time limits here. Once Scheduled Chat is enabled, it cannot be disabled. Use the dropdown menus to select the Max Scheduled Chat Duration and Buffer Between Scheduled Chats. You can also decide whether to allow Representatives to edit the invitation email. Read more about Scheduled Chats




Multi-chat allows candidates and/or Representatives to engage in chats with multiple people at one time. Check the box to enable Multi-chat, then set the number of simultaneous chats for both candidates/attendees and Representatives.




In the Other section, you can decide whether to Allow Rep Handoffs and whether Representatives can hand off candidates between booths. Read more about Rep Handoff

By default, the Radancy platform allows participants to have only one chat session with each other per booth. For example, one candidate can talk to two Representatives in a single booth but cannot reconnect with them in that booth after they chat.

To allow them to reconnect, check Permit participants to reconnect with each other after ___ minutes and enter the amount of time between connections.

For events staffed by Representatives, Radancy Administrators can choose to limit candidates to one chat per booth. To limit same booth connections, check Prohibit non-reps from having more than one chat within a booth. Representatives can override this feature in the live event where and when they deem necessary.




Click the arrow to expand Chat Ratings and change the rating scale used after chats. Read more about Chat Ratings

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