Staggered Entry Overview


What is Staggered Entry?

Staggered entry allows for optimal event flow. You can better manage the traffic of attendees to to avoid the typical “rush” at event start time and the potentially slow times at the end of an event. By smoothing out the attendance across a multi-hour event, you can also reduce chat wait times and facilitate more video/audio chats by reducing the need for Representatives to chat with multiple candidates at once.

With staggered entry, Candidates select a time they would like to enter the event at registration. Each event entry time can only be selected by a specific number of Candidates based on the event's maximum total occupancy. The Candidate's selected entry time is then displayed in all event notifications, including emails and add-to-calendar options.

Candidates can always edit their entry time by logging in to the event and updating their registration.

Note: The Candidate is not prevented from entering the event outside of their entry time.


What are my next steps?

Staggered Entry is activated on the account level, and your Account Manager or Customer Success Manager can toggle this feature on and off for you per event by request. Once staggered entry is enabled for your event, you're all set! You don't have to do anything to program the time slots. Entry times slots are calculated automatically and candidates will then be able to select and be notified of their entry times.

Our Account Managers are available to assist you on incorporating staggered entry into your event planning strategy. Consult your Account Manager if you have any questions about how staggered entry works with your event.


What if I make a change to my event?

When an Admin changes an event duration or the start time, the admin will receive this notification before their changes are saved:


If the Admin saves the changes, all Candidates will automatically receive an email with details on the new event time as well as their new assigned entry time. The assigned entry time is based on when the Candidate registered. The earlier they registered, the earlier in the event their assigned entry time.

Candidates can always edit their entry time by logging in to the event and updating their registration. Instructions are included in the email. 

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