What are the character limits and recommended image sizes for event fields and content?

When building your events and booths, you must keep character limits and recommended image sizes in mind. The character limits include hidden characters, such as spaces and HTML code. You can scale, limit, and crop uploaded image files to fit the necessary dimensions.

Character Limits

All text fields in Hiring Events Admin have character limits. These limits include any hidden characters such as spaces and HTML code. 

  • Landing Screen
    • Event Title: 2-100 characters
    • Subtitle: 2-200 characters
    • Short Description: <200 characters
    • Tags: 2-50 characters
  • Landing Screen > Content
    • Section Title: 2-50 characters
    • Content: 10-65K characters
  • Booths > Settings
    • Booth Title: 2-100 characters
    • Company: <255 characters
    • Booth Code: 2-50 characters
  • Booths > Content  
    • Booth Preview Content: 2-2048 characters
    • Tab Title: 2-20 characters
    • Overlay Text: 2-35 characters
    • Tab Content 10-65K characters
    • Organizational Video Embed code: 2-500 characters
  • Booths > Opportunities 
    • Opportunity Title: 2-100 characters
    • SmartQueue Question: 2-200 characters

Image Size Recommendations (in pixels)

  • Landing Page Custom Image
    • 1600 x 1067
  • Booth Logos
    • Square logo: 150 x 150
    • Rectangle logo: 600 x 150
  • Booth Image 
    • 500 x 300
  • Booth Banner Image 
    • 1024 x 355
  • Profile Images
    • 200 x 200

Radancy offers multiple upload options for images which change depending on the image upload location. If you're starting with an image that does not fit the recommended dimensions, each option will affect your image differently.

exclamation-circle-45px.png Landing page images are responsive to your browser’s dimensions. This affects the visibility of the image content. We recommend that you do not include text in your landing page image itself as the image does not display consistently across all devices and screen sizes.
  • Scale — Scaling an image will stretch the image to fit the necessary size. Do not use scale if your image has content that shouldn't be distorted, such as a company logo or text.
  • Limit and Fill — This option will not stretch your image but may cut off the edges depending on the original image size and proportions. If your original image is too small, this option may cause blurring as the image is magnified to fill the space.
  • Limit and Pad — This option will not stretch your image but may cut off the edges if the image is too large. If your original image is too small, this option will add padding around the image to fit the necessary dimensions.
  • Crop with free transform — This option will maintain image proportions like Limit and Fill but also allows you to control the zoom and image placement.
exclamation-circle-45px.png What to add a PDF to your event or booth? Click here for a tutorial! 

If you're having an issue uploading files or inputting characters that fit into the above limits, please reach out to Radancy Support for additional assistance.

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