How do I hand off a candidate to another Representative?

If permitted by your event host/Radancy Administrator, you can hand off a candidate to another booth Representative after you've ended the chat. Depending on your event's settings, you may be permitted to hand off the candidate only within your booth or to Representatives in other booths within the event.

When you have ended the chat with the candidate:

  1. On the Chat Ratings page, select Handoff [candidate name] to another Rep? to open the Rep Handoff window.


  2. If prompted, use the Booth dropdown menu to select a Booth to narrow your Representative list.


  3. Select one or more Representatives that you'd like to pass the candidate to and leave a Handoff Note for the next Representative to read.


  4. Click Continue to preview your handoff, then click Finished to initiate the handoff.

Read more about handing off a candidate to another Representative here.

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