View Live Event Data and Reports



  1. Navigate to your Account Home and locate the live event you'd like to view
  2. Click on the "..." on the right side to pull up the menu, then select track
  3. Under Reports in the left sidebar, select Activity Report

Reminder: The Activity Report (as shown below) will only be available while the event is live, and may look slightly different depending on the type of event you are hosting.



  1. Active Participants: The number of attendees (users not assigned to a booth) who are currently logged in to the event
  2. Active Representatives: Representatives logged into the event. Note: This will display "No Reps" for events without the representative peer group.
  3. Active Chats: Active chats across the entire event. Note: Active chats includes chats in which a Representative or Participant are still on the rating screen.
  4. Active Video/Audio Chats: Active video/audio chats across the entire event. Note: Active video/audio chats includes chats in which a Representative or Participant are still on the rating screen.
  5. Completed Chats: Total number of chats that have been completed.
  6. Reps Online: The number of representatives online, on a per booth basis. To appear as online, representatives' status within the event must be set with "Accepting New Chats" turned on.
  7. Active Chats: Chats that are currently happening. This number includes ended chats still on the rating screen.
  8. Completed Chats: A total number of chats completed within each booth. A chat is completed once both users have clicked "Save and Continue" on the rating screen.
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