Enable Scheduled Chat for Representatives

Scheduled Chats enable one-on-one connections between Representatives and select candidates/attendees. If enabled, Representatives can invite attendees to reserve a time slot to chat during an event. When the scheduled time arrives, both participants automatically enter the chat.

Booth Owners can enable Scheduled Chat for their booth Representatives to allow your booth's Representatives to ensure they connect with preferred candidates.

In This Article


Enable Scheduled Chat for Previously Assigned Representatives

From your Home page, find your desired booth, then click Edit Booth.

Click Representatives to manage your booth Representatives.

Then, click the meatball [ baseline_more_vert_black_24dp.png ] menu for the Representative, and then Enable Scheduled Chat




Then, confirm that you would like to Enable Scheduled Chat for this Representative.

exclamation-circle-45px.png Once enabled, you cannot disable Scheduled Chat for a Representative.


Enable Scheduled Chat for New Representatives

From your Booth Home, click Representatives. Then, click Add Representative.




Enter the new Representative's Email and Name, select Enable Scheduled Chat, then click OK.


Additional Resources

Support your Representatives by providing them instructions for inviting candidates to a scheduled chat and using scheduled chats during and after the event.

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