QuickChat Report

The QuickChat Report lets you easily analyze Recruiter response times and availability within QuickChat, as well as candidates' preference for transitioning from chat to SMS, giving you more actionable insights about the candidate QuickChat experience.

To view this data, from your Account Home, select Reports. Under Select a report, choose Quickchat Report, and select a date range.


The report is generated as a CSV file, and includes:

  • QuickChat start and end date
  • Candidate contact information
  • Whether a QuickChat transitioned to SMS
  • Details on the job they chatted about
  • Recruiter contact information
  • Recruiter response time
  • Pre-qualifications and next steps information

Open a CSV File In Excel

Radancy reports download as CSV files for your convenience. CSV files are plain text files that use commas to separate the data. This allows you to easily open them in software that stores data tables (i.e., Excel).

To open a CSV file in Excel:

  1. Open a new, blank workbook in Excel.
  2. Click File, then Import.


  3. Select CSV File, then click Import to open the Finder popup.


  4. Locate the CSV file in the Finder popup, then click Get Data.
  5. Select Delimited, then click Next.


  6. Select Comma as your delimiter, then click Next.


  7. Select General, then click Finish.


  8. Choose whether to put the data in the existing sheet or a new sheet, then click OK. The data loads in the selected sheet.
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