Scheduled Meetings (or Chats) are facilitated one-on-one connections between specific Representatives and Attendees at preset time slots during an event.
For the most qualified event candidates, Representatives may want to ensure they have time to meet with them. Scheduled Meetings let these candidates forego any lines and guarantee an appointment with a Representative.
If at all possible, please avoid extending an event or changing the event time once candidates have begun registering for an event using Scheduled Meetings. If your event time is changed or extended, any existing Scheduled Meetings will need to be rescheduled. In this scenario, candidates will be notified that their existing meetings are pending and must select and confirm a new time. |
In This Article
- Allow Online Booth Owners to Schedule Meetings
- Manage Representative Event Schedules
- Reschedule, Reassign or Cancel Scheduled Meetings
- Email Notifications, Calendar Integrations & In-App Notifications
- Scheduled Meetings Reporting
Enable Scheduled Meetings
Scheduled Meetings are enabled per event and then must be assigned to specific Representatives.
Please follow the instructions provided in this article to enable Scheduled Meetings (Chat) for your event and representatives.
Schedule Meetings on Behalf of Representatives
Radancy Administrators can invite candidates to schedule a meeting on behalf of any Representatives with Scheduled Meetings enabled. Administrators can also allow online Booth Owners to schedule meetings on behalf of the Representatives. This lets Administrators and approved online Booth Owners screen registrants and select candidates to refer to hiring managers.
1. In an event with Scheduled Meetings (Chat) enabled, select Scheduled Chats in the side navigation of the event record.
This opens the Manage Scheduled Chats page, which includes tabs for Registrants (those who have completed their event registration form) and Signups (those who have signed up for the event but have not yet provided registration information).
A red dot on a Registrant’s profile picture indicates you have not viewed their profile.
Status indicates how many Representatives have invited a particular Registrant or Signup to a chat and whether the invitations were accepted.
Approved Booth Owners can only see the statuses of invitations for the Representatives who belong to the booth(s) for which they are Booth Owners. |
2. Use the Question and Answer fields to filter Registrants by answers to their Registration form questions.
3. When you select a registrant, you can view their general profile information, including their profile picture and answers to their registration form questions. For those who signed up but did not complete event registration, this section displays “Not Answered.”
If a resume was uploaded, view its preview and download a copy if desired.
A Signup may be invited to a Scheduled Meeting, but you cannot view any profile information until they complete their registration. |
4. Select Schedule a Chat for a Registrant or Signup, and choose which Representative(s) you want to send invitations from.
If a Scheduled Meeting invitation has been sent previously by a Representative (or a Booth Owner or Administrator who is enabled to schedule meetings for Representatives), you cannot send another invitation from that specific Representative. |
Invitation Status may be one of the following values for each invitation:
- Pending: The candidate has not yet selected a time slot.
- Accepted: The candidate has selected a time slot.
- Unable to RSVP: The candidate could not pick a time slot because the Representative had none available.
- Declined: The candidate refused the invitation.
- Cancelled: The candidate or Representative has cancelled the chat.
Booth Title(s) indicates all booth(s) assigned to which a Representative has Scheduled Chat enabled. If a Representative belongs to multiple booths, approved Booth Owners will only see the titles of booths that they own.
5. After selecting Representatives, modify the click Send to send the Scheduled Meeting invitation(s) to the candidate. They will receive an email from Radancy that prompts them to select a time from the Representative's available time slots.
Allow Online Booth Owners to Schedule Meetings
Please follow the instructions provided here to enable online Booth Owners to schedule meetings and send invitations to attendees on behalf of their representatives using their Scheduled Chats page.
Manage Representative Event Schedules
Radancy Administrators can view and manage Representative schedules for all Representatives assigned to their event. This lets them quickly update Representative availability and reduce the likelihood of a canceled or rescheduled chat.
Please follow the instructions provided here to modify a Representative's availability/schedule.
Reschedule, Reassign or Cancel Scheduled Meetings
Radancy Administrators and approved online Booth Owners may reassign, reschedule, and cancel scheduled meetings on behalf of representatives. Please follow the instructions provided here.
Email Notifiers, Calendar Integrations & In-App Notifications
Calendar File Integration
All email notifiers confirming accepted, rescheduled, or canceled scheduled meetings include calendar .ICS files.
An .ICS file is a calendar file saved in a universal calendar format used by many email and calendar programs, like Google Calendar or Microsoft Outlook. When Representatives send a meeting request, .ICS files allow them and attendees to import the meeting details into their calendars.
Currently, only Google Calendar is supported. For any other email clients, .ICS file attachments may be manually imported to an attendee's corresponding calendar to create an event. However, manually imported events are not managed automatically by their email Inbox. |
Attendees and Representatives who need to reschedule or cancel a scheduled meeting must do so through the Radancy application. A note indicating this is included in email invitations along with the Hiring Event URL. |
Scheduled Meeting Email Notifications for In-Person Events
Scheduled meeting email notifications for in-person events include a reference to the event's companion online Event URL for attendees to find further information about the event location.
At this time, they do not include any specifics as to where the meeting will take place with the Representative within the in-person event.
In-App Notifications for Scheduled Meetings
When a scheduled meeting time arrives during an in-person event, the Representative receives an in-app notification in the companion online event site at the bottom of their screen and hears a chime.
Scheduled Meetings Reporting
After an event ends, Scheduled Meeting information for each Representative and Attendee is available in the Event Participants (CSV) report under event Downloads, and includes:
- Total Scheduled Chat Invites
- Total Accepted Invites
- Total Declined Invites
- Total Pending Invites
- Total Unable to RSVP - Slots Full
- Total Scheduled Chats Attended
This information is not provided in Booth Owner reports.
Please note that these metrics for Representatives can be understood from the perspective that they sent invitations. Meanwhile, for Attendees, these metrics are understood from the perspective that they received invitations.
For example, Total Declined Invites for Representatives refers to the number of sent invitations that were declined; and for Attendees it refers to the number of invitations that they declined.
Scheduled Meeting information appears in the Radancy Administrator version of the Representative Ratings Report (CSV). It does not appear in the Booth Owner version of the Representative Ratings Report (CSV) because Scheduled Meetings occur outside the booth.