Representative Training

If you as a Booth Owner are acting as a Representative, Host or Presenter in your event, you must assign yourself as a Representative in a booth and complete registration by filling out your Rep Profile.

Learn More in Radancy Academy

To learn more about the Representative experience on Radancy, take our easy-to-follow learning path for Representatives on Radancy Academy!


  1. Just login at with your Radancy account credentials. If you’re already logged into the Hiring Events Admin or an event, you’ll access radancy Academy seamlessly.

  2. Click on the Representatives tile and register for the entire learning path, or just take our quick start course on how to register and login to your event, as well as search, chat, and follow up with Attendees, and more; and if you'd like, register for courses on special features like Scheduled Chat, Group Video or Webinars.

  3. Then, add to your email contact list so you don't miss any notifications from radancy Academy. That's it!
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