Add an Open Networking Booth

Although Mixed Networking, Open House, and Expo events are structured to directly connect two different participant groups (e.g. recruiters to candidates, alumni to students, mentors to mentees, etc.), you do have the ability to open up communication even further by adding an "Open Networking" booth. This allows any type of participant to connect with each other during a live event, including members of the same peer group.


Add an Open Networking Booth

  1. Navigate to the Booths section of your event, then select Add Booth.
  2. Under Booth Type, select either Open Networking with Text Chat or Open Networking with Text, Video & Audio Chat (if Video & Audio are enabled for your event).
  3. Fill out the required fields for your booth and click Save.



Best Practices for Open Networking Booths

Open Networking Booths will be accessible by participants for the full duration of your event and they cannot be set to only open for a specific window of time. If your event utilizes Open Networking Booths and Text/Video Chat Booths that pair participants with Representatives, you can use Broadcast Messages to let participants know when to leave the Networking Booths so they are free to join other chats. This will prevent Representatives from experiencing a delay in being connected to participants during smaller events.
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