Virtual Engagement Center (or VEC) booths offer candidates opportunities to view and interact with content as well as conduct text, video, and/or audio chats with Representatives, depending on the booth type. You are in control of creating and editing the booths in your VEC.
Once you add a VEC booth, you can optionally assign a Booth Owner to edit its settings and content. If your Radancy account includes VEC Chat Booths, you can also assign Representatives to staff the booth.
In This Article
Add a VEC Booth
From your VEC Home, select Booths. Then, click New.
If your Radancy account includes VEC Chat Booth access, choose the booth type. A Content Only Booth contains curated content that candidates can browse on their own time and leave Drop-Off Notes to request additional information. A VEC Chat Booth allows Representatives and candidates to engage in one-on-one text, video, and audio chat in addition to showcasing content.
If you do not currently have VEC Chat Booth access and would like to add it, contact your Radancy Account Manager. |
Give your booth a unique Title. A Booth Code is automatically generated for you, but you can enter your own, unique name.
Choose a Booth Logo to appear in the Content tab inside the booth. You can also upload a Booth Image that appears on its booth card in the VEC Lobby.
Assign a Booth Owner, if desired. To assign a Booth Owner, click Assign Owner, then select a user.
Unlike events, VEC Booth Owners must already be users in the Hiring Events Admin and have VEC access. You must choose Booth Owners from the list of registered VEC users. |
Toggle Visibility if you'd like to prevent the booth from being seen in the VEC while you are still building it. Because a VEC is available for anyone to see at any time, we recommend hiding booths while they are still in progress. You can preview hidden booths as you are building them to see what the booth looks like before you enable its visibility in the live VEC.
Save to return to the Manage Booths page where you can access the new and previously existing booths. If you have more than one booth you can rearrange their order using the dragger icon. Click Preview Lobby to see your VEC Lobby immediately in preview mode.
Manage a VEC Booth
As a Radancy Administrator, use your VEC's Manage Booths page to open the booth you wish to edit. If you are a Booth Owner, open your Hiring Events Admin Home and enter the desired booth.
As you edit your booth, click Save, then click Preview Booth to immediately preview the changes in your booth and VEC Lobby. Any recent saved changes appear immediately in preview mode; however, saved changes may not be visible in your live VEC for up to 15 minutes.
Hidden booths are visible in the VEC Lobby while in preview mode to give you a comprehensive view of your VEC and allow you to see the booth's Lobby Card. They remain hidden in the live VEC until you enable the booth's visibility. |
Settings page
On the booth's Settings page, you can edit the General Information, booth Visibility, Booth Owners, Social settings, and Drop-Off Note. Only a Radancy Administrator can edit the Booth Tags if enabled for your VEC.
If your Radancy account includes VEC Chat Booth access, a Radancy Administrator can convert an existing Content Only booth in the Booth Type section. Select VEC Chat Booth. After clicking Save, the chat setting appears as well as the Representatives page. The Content Only booth type is grayed out in the VEC Chat Booth settings.
You cannot convert a VEC Chat booth to a Content Only booth. If you no longer want to allow chats in a VEC Chat Booth, you can disable new chats. |
The General Information section includes:
- The booth's Title that appears in the VEC Lobby and within the booth.
- The Booth Logo that appears in the Content tab within the booth.
- The Booth Image that appears on your booth's Lobby Card. If you do not upload a Booth Image, your Booth Logo will appear on your booth's Lobby Card.
You can also adjust the Chat setting in VEC Chat Booths. By default, VEC Chat Booths allow candidates to upload a resume during their chat. If you do not want candidates to have the ability to upload attachments during a VEC Chat, deselect Enable resume upload. You may wish to Disable new chats when the Representative is on vacation or when you no longer need to conduct chats but want the information to remain visible.
Change the Visibility to prevent candidates from accessing the booth before the content is ready.
Because you cannot delete a VEC booth, we recommend changing the Visibility setting to archive the booth when it's no longer needed. |
Radancy Administrators can add or change Booth Tags that you can use to organize your booths.
The Social section allows you to include links to your organization's social media pages where candidates can further engage with you.
The Drop-Off Note section allows you to enable and customize your booth's Drop-Off Note. A Drop-Off Note gives candidates the ability to send a message to a designated email address if they can't chat in the booth or would like more information. Candidates will not see the email address in the Drop-Off Note popup window. The Drop-Off Note appears within the Content tab inside the booth.
Drop-Off Notes are available for VEC Chat Booths as well as Content Only booths. You can customize the Drop-Off Notes as you would a Drop-Off Note in an event. A VEC Chat Booth Drop-Off Note could be used to collect candidate information when you disable new chats in the booth. |
Don't forget to Save your changes.
Content page
The booth Content page allows you to manage the information and multimedia content that candidates see inside the booth. Like event booths, you can add Booth Preview Content, a Booth Home Tab, and a Custom Tab. Each can include formatted text, multimedia content, and links.
- Booth Preview Content appears on the Lobby Card so candidates can understand your booth's purpose and drive traffic into your booth.
- The Booth Home Tab acts as the front page and is the first thing visitors see when they enter your booth.
- The Custom Tab lets you display whatever content you like. Use this tab to include any further information that makes your booth stand out. You can also use an embed code to include an organizational video in this tab.
Remember to Save your changes and return to the Settings page to update your booth's Visibility if needed.
Representatives page (VEC Chat Booths only)
Use the Representatives page to add Representatives. To assign as Representative, click Add Representative, then select the desired Representative(s).
Unlike events, VEC Representatives must already be users in the Hiring Events Admin and have VEC access. |
Assigned Representatives receive an email notification informing them that they have been assigned to a VEC booth. The email includes a link to the Candidate Engagement Hub, formerly Recruiter View, where they conduct their chats.
VEC Representatives must set up their Candidate Engagement Hub profile before they can begin accepting VEC chats. Representatives conduct VEC booth chats from the Candidate Engagement Hub. |
Once you have finished editing your booth, remember to change the Visibility setting so candidates can see your booth. If it's a VEC Chat Booth, remember to adjust your Settings to accept new Chats.
Additional Resources
Read about creating and editing VECs and chatting in a VEC booth.
If you would like to learn more about VECs, contact your Radancy Account Manager. |