Chat With Candidates in CEH

You can use the Candidate Engagement Hub (or CEH) to chat with candidates in a Virtual Engagement Center (VEC) or QuickChat. While the candidate is chatting with you from the VEC or job page, you conduct your chats from the Chats page in CEH. You can also view your assigned JobsFavorite candidates, and chat History.

exclamation-circle-45px.png CEH is not yet available to everyone. If you want to learn more, please contact your Radancy Account Manager. 
exclamation-circle-45px.png If you don't have QuickChat or VEC Chat access, you cannot access any Chat-related pages in CEH. Jobs, Favorites, and History will not appear in the CEH sidebar. Chat will be grayed out, and the Chat page cannot be accessed. Contact your Radancy Account Manager or Customer Success Manager to learn more about this feature.


In This Article


Chat in CEH

Active and ended chats appear on the Chats page sorted by your assigned VEC booths or QuickChats. Each card shows the number of unfinished chats in that VEC booth or job and how many of those chats are currently active.

exclamation-circle-45px.png The Chats page does not include chats held with candidates during events - only those conducted using QuickChat or a VEC booth.


Expand the card to view the active chats within that booth or QuickChat. Each chat shows the first initial and last name of the candidate and the last activity. A new chat is labeled New.

Read about conducting VEC chats in CEH

Read about conducting QuickChats in CEH

An ended, but not finished, chat is labeled Ended and grayed out. After a chat has ended, open the chat to give the candidate a Next Step rating. You can choose a Follow Up option now or go to the Candidates page later to follow up with them.

Click the Heart icon to favorite the chat. You can find favorite chats in the Favorites page. Don't forget to click Finished to close out the chat.



The Favorites page allows you to quickly reference high-quality candidates you chatted with in the past. You can favorite a candidate by click the Heart icon on the chat ratings page after your VEC Chat or QuickChat is ended or using the kebab ( baseline_more_vert_black_24dp.png ) menu in the candidates list on the History page.


The Favorites page shows the candidate's name, the start date of their first interaction with you, the title of the associated job or VEC booth where you chatted, and the Next Step in the hiring process.

Click the kebab ( baseline_more_vert_black_24dp.png ) menu for each candidate to view details of your chat or remove from favorites.

Be sure to follow up with your candidates quickly!



The History page allows you to quickly view your chat history. The table shows the candidate's name, the start date of their first interaction with you, the title of the associated job or VEC booth where you chatted, and the Next Step in the hiring process.


Click Download CSV to download a CSV file of the candidate information in your history.

Click the kebab ( baseline_more_vert_black_24dp.png ) menu for each candidate to view details of your chat, add or remove from favorites, and follow up

exclamation-circle-45px.png You can access resumes uploaded in a VEC Chat or QuickChat by viewing details of your chat with that candidate.


Additional Resources

Read about connecting and following up with candidates, emailing multiple candidates at once, filtering candidates, and reviewing candidates in CEH.

Read about chatting with candidates in a VEC or through QuickChat

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