Account Home

The following features are accessible on the Account Home page for Radancy Administrators:


  1. Go to User Home — Opens your User Home page where you can find your events calendar which includes events you registered for or received invitations to.
  2. New Series — Create a new Series. A series is a set of events that occur on a repeating basis. Creating a series allows you to schedule and promote events on an ongoing basis. Read about creating a series.
  3. New Event — Create a new Event. Events are a particular interval of time in which attendees engage with each other and with booth content. Events are scheduled in advance with start and end times. Read about the types of events.
  4. New Template — Create a new Template to save time when creating an event or series. Read about creating a template.
  5. New VEC — Create a new Virtual Engagement Center (or VEC). A VEC enables you to attract passive talent, providing engagement opportunities similar to virtual events, but in an always-on format that job seekers can interact with at any time. Read about creating a VEC.
  6. Upcoming Events/Previous Events — View all of your upcoming and previous events. Search by event title or tag. You can also filter by time range.

In the Account Home page sidebar you can access your account branding, series, templates, VECs, jobs, reports, and account settings. 

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