May 13, 2023 Release Notes


In-Person Events

Radancy is proud to now offer In-Person events in addition to our best-in-class Virtual events! Use Radancy for your next In-Person event to collect attendance information, capture connection data between event staff and attendees, and even support walk-in event registrations!

New Landing Page Builder

Radancy has released a new landing page option that lets customers create clean and flexible landing pages in an intuitive builder. The new Landing Page Builder is available for both Virtual and In-Person events.

Hide booths in your next event

Admins and Booth Owners now have the ability to hide booths within a Virtual or In-Person Hiring Event. Hidden booths can still be used for Rep Handoff chat connections. Booths can be hidden before or during an event.

Custom Next Step Ratings

Radancy now allows you to customize ratings used by Representatives to rate chats/connections with Candidates in events. Available for both Virtual and In-Person events, the feature will allow you to map chat/connection ratings according to the process used within your organization.


Scheduled Chat Improvements for Booth Owners

Booth Owners are now able to view and manage Representatives’ availability for Scheduled Chats with Candidates.


  • Fixed an issue where Representatives who got in line and chatted with another Representative were included in the Candidate Engagement Hub candidates list.
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